GST Registration for Business in India

Check if your compnay fall in any one of below

  • Annual Turnover Exceeds Rs 20 / Rs 10 Lakhs
  • Sales/Services outside State
  • E-commerce Company

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GST at a Glance

Goods and Services Tax is single tax combining VAT, CST, Service Tax, Excise duty, Entertainment Tax, etc and has been applicable all over India since 1 July 2017. Rates of GST varies between 0% to 28%.

Registration of GST is mandatory if,

  • Annual turnover exceeds Rs. 20 Lakhs ( Rs. 10 Lakhs in case of North Eastern States)
  • Sale of Goods or Services outside your own state ( Iner-state)
  • Running E-commerce Company

However, any business can take voluntary registration and claim input tax credit on purchases or Services taken by filing return. Here we mean to say Tax Refund on Purchases or Service Taken. 

GST Registration process is online and get temporary registration number immediate on successful application subject to verification by department. Registration number get permanent status along with Certificate within 3-4 days.


Send your Requirement here

Our Fees

GST Registration

Permanent Registration Number

Rs. 1416

GST Registration

Temporary Registration Number ( 90 days valid)

Rs. 1416

GST Registration

E-way Bill ( Transporter)

Rs. 1416

GST Cancellation

Non Migrated registration cases

Rs. 1416

GST Cancellation

Migrated registration cases

Rs. 10620

Benefits of GST Registration

Claim Input Tax Credit (ITC) or Tax Refund
Only GST Registered entity can claim ITC or Tax Refund on goods purchase or Services taken
Apply for Tender
If you are intending to apply for Tender, most of the Company and Govt Department ask for GST Registration Certificate.
Enhance Business
Generally, MNC’s does not comfortable to deal with unregistered Business entity due to loss of ITC benefit.
Formal Business
With GST Registration, you can do formal business in India without any restriction and establishes your creditability.
Open Current Bank Account
Now a days Banks generally ask for GST registration number and certificate to open a current account.
Sale out of the State
With GST Registration, you can sale or provide services any state in India. Otherwise your business will be restricted within the state.

GST Registration Process

Visit GST Portal
GST Registration is 100% Online and there is no Manual Paperwork or Authority Visit. OPEN GST PORTAL and Start the Process if You have sound knowledge on GST Law Otherwise take the HELP OF CONSULTANT
GST Registration for Business in India
File up Part A of the Form (GST REG-01)
Mention Business Name, PAN, Mobile Number, Email ID, State/District and Registration Reason (Status) and Submit. You will receive a Temporary Reference Number (TRN) on your Mobile and via E-mail after OTP verification.
GST Registration for Business in India
File up Part B of the Form (GST REG-01)
Upload the required documents as specified for your business type and verify by EVC or Digital Signature.
GST Registration for Business in India
On Successful submission, you receive acknowledgement (in Form GST REG-02) on Registered Email ID.
GST Registration for Business in India
Registration Certificate
A certificate of registration will be issued to you by the department after verification and approval in Form GST REG-06.
GST Registration for Business in India
REJECTION:- The office may also reject your application if they find any errors.
CALL FOR FURTHER INFORMATION :- In exceptional case, Officer may sought any information from you based on online application you filed (intimated in Form GST REG-03). In that case, you may need to visit the department and clarify or produce the documents within 7 working days in Form GST REG-04

Our Service Coverage

GST Application Preparation
Our Consultant will get in touch with you to collect all documents on Email/Online upload through Client Login panel. Post collection, your application will be prepared
GST Application Filing
Once the application is prepared, we will file your application online and provide you ARN number immediately.
GST Number
Once we file your application, Temporary GST we provide immediately within 24 hours
GST Registration Certificate
Once the GST application and the attached supporting documents are verified by the Officer, GSTIN and GST Certificate is provided.

GST Registration Documents

  1. PAN Card Copy of the Company/Firm/Proprietor
  2. PAN Card Copy of the Directors/Partners ( incase of Company/Firm)
  3. Business Address Proof ( Electricity/ Telephone Bill, Rent Agreement with NOC from owner)
  4. Proof of business registration ( Certificate of Incorporation/Partnership Deed)
  5. Bank statement/ Cancelled Cheque of Business Entity
  6. Aadhaar Card of owners/ directors/ partners.
  7. Photograph of Owner/Directors/Partners
  8. Digital Signature of Authorised Signatory

Some Basic Information about GST Registration Documents

Who all Need Compulsory GST Registration Irrespective of Turnover Limit

Type of Tax Payer or mode of GST Registration

Normal Scheme
Every Business Entity in India who are liable to pay GST under that Act mandatory to take Registration and pay normal GST on Taxable Turnover and can passon the ITC benefit to their customers, Deduct TDS and Collect TCS.
Composition Scheme
Registration under Composition Scheme is OPTIONAL. Small taxpayers with an aggregate turnover in a preceding financial year up to Rs. 50 lakhs shall be eligible for composition levy. Under the scheme, a taxpayer shall pay tax as a percentage of his turnover in a state during the year without the benefit of ITC. The rate of tax for CGST and SGST/UTGST shall not be less than [1% for manufacturer & 0.5% in other cases; 2.5% for specific services as mentioned in para 6(b) of Schedule II viz Serving of food or any other article for human consumption. A tax payer opting for composition levy shall not collect any tax from his customers. The government may increase the above said limit of 50 lakhs rupees to up to one crore rupees, on the recommendation of GST Council.
Tax payers making inter- state supplies or making supplies through e-commerce operators who are required to collect tax at source shall not be eligible for composition scheme. Customer would not be eligible to Claim ITC if goods purchases or services taken from Composite Scheme Registered Business entity. Relax in Return Filing Compliance ( Quarterly File)
GST Registration for Business in India
    • It is important your Application is filed correctly and properly as per legal requirement. Our Experts are well experienced in this line to get your work done smoothly.
    • It is a destination based tax on consumption of goods and services. It is proposed to be levied at all stages right from manufacture up to final consumption with credit of taxes paid at previous stages available as setoff. In a nutshell, only value addition will be taxed and burden of tax is to be borne by the final consumer.
    • The tax would accrue to the taxing authority which has jurisdiction over the place of consumption which is also termed as place of supply.
    • All Excise duty, Value Added Tax, Central Sales Tax, Luxury Tax, Entry Tax, Entertainment and Amusement Tax, Taxes on advertisements, Purchase Tax, Taxes on lotteries, betting and gambling, State Surcharges and Cesses so far as they relate to supply of goods and services.
    • There are 3 types - CGST, SGST & IGST. The GST to be levied by the Centre on intra-State supply of goods and / or services would be called the Central GST (CGST) and that to be levied by the States/ Union territory would be called the State GST (SGST)/ UTGST. Similarly, Integrated GST (IGST) will be levied and administered by Centre on every inter-state supply of goods and services.
    • Imports of Goods and Services will be treated as inter-state supplies and IGST will be levied on import of goods and services into the country. The incidence of tax will follow the destination principle and the tax revenue in case of SGST will accrue to the State where the imported goods and services are consumed. Full and complete set-off will be available on the GST paid on import on goods and services.
    • Exports will be treated as zero rated supplies. No tax will be payable on exports of goods or services, however credit of input tax credit will be available and same will be available as refund to the exporters. The Exporter will have an option to either pay tax on the output and claim refund of IGST or export under Bond without payment of IGST and claim refund of Input Tax Credit (ITC).
    • The threshold for composition scheme is Rs. 50 Lakhs of aggregate turnover in the preceding financial year. The benefit of composition scheme can be availed up to the turnover of Rs. 50 Lakhs in current financial year.
    • Optional.
    • There are different rates for different sectors. In normal cases of supplier of goods (i.e. traders), the composition rate is 0.5 % of the turnover in a State or Union territory. If the person opting for composition scheme is manufacturer, then the rate is 1% of the turnover in a State or Union territory. In case of restaurant services, it is 2.5% of the turnover in a State or Union territory. These rates are under one Act, and same rate would be applicable in the other Act also. So, effectively, the composition rates (combined rate under CGST and SGST/UTGST) are 1%, 2% and 5% for normal
      supplier, manufacturer and restaurant service respectively.
    • Taxable event under GST is supply of goods or services or both. CGST and SGST/ UTGST will be levied on intra-State supplies. IGST will be levied on inter-State supplies.
    • Yes, but only those activities which are specified in Schedule I to the CGST Act / SGST Act. The said provision has been adopted in IGST Act as well as in UTGST Act also.
    • In order to be a supply which is taxable under GST, the transaction should be in the course or furtherance of
      business. As there is no quid pro quo involved in supply for charitable activities, it is not a supply under GST.
    • It means the liability to pay tax is on the recipient of supply of goods and services instead of the supplier of such goods or services in respect of notified categories of supply.
    • No, reverse charge applies to supplies of both goods and services, as notified by the Government on the recommendations of the GST Council.
    • In case of receipt of supply from an unregistered person, the registered person who is receiving goods or services shall be liable to pay tax under reverse charge mechanism.
    • Yes, the Central/State government can specify categories of services the tax on which shall be paid by the electronic commerce operator, if such services are supplied through it and all the provisions of the Act shall apply to such electronic commerce operator as if he is the person liable to pay tax in relation to supply of such services.
    • All registered persons having the same Permanent Account Number (PAN) have to opt for composition scheme. If one registered person opts for normal scheme, others become ineligible for composition scheme.
    • Yes, a manufacturer can opt for composition scheme generally. However, a manufacturer of goods, which would be notified on the recommendations of the GST Council, cannot opt for this scheme. This scheme is not available for services sector, except restaurants.
    • 1) supplier of services other than supplier of restaurant service; 2) supplier of goods which are not taxable under the
      CGST Act/SGST Act/UTGST Act; 3) an inter-State supplier of goods; 4) person supplying goods through an electronic
      commerce operator; and 5) manufacturer of certain notified goods.
    • No, registered person under composition scheme is not eligible to claim input tax credit.
    • No, customer who buys goods from registered person who is under composition scheme is not eligible for composition input tax credit because a composition scheme supplier cannot issue a tax invoice.
    • No, the registered person under composition scheme is not permitted to collect tax. It means that a composition scheme supplier cannot issue a tax invoice.
    • The methodology to compute aggregate turnover is given in Section 2(6). Accordingly, ‘aggregate turnover’ means value of all outward supplies (taxable supplies +exempt supplies +exports + inter-state supplies) of a person having the same PAN and it excludes taxes levied
      under central tax (CGST), State tax (SGST), Union territory tax (UTGST), integrated tax(IGST) and compensation cess. Also, the value of inward supplies on which tax is payable under reverse charge is not taken into account for calculation of ‘aggregate turnover’.
    • Yes.
    • Yes. In terms of sub-section 10 of section 25 of the CGST/SGST Act, the proper officer can reject an application for registration after due verification.
    • Yes, the registration Certificate once granted is permanent unless surrendered, cancelled, suspended or revoked.
    • Yes. In terms of Section 25(9) of the CGST/SGST Act, all notified UN bodies, Consulate or Embassy of foreign countries and any other class of persons so notified would be required to obtain a unique identification number (UIN) from the GST portal. The structure of the said ID would be uniform across the States in conformity with GSTIN structure and the same will be common for the Centre and the States. This UIN will be needed for claiming refund of taxes paid on notified supplies of goods and services received by them, and for any other purpose as may be notified.
    • In terms of Section 2(77) of the CGST/SGST Act, a non- resident taxable person means any person who occasionally undertakes transactions involving supply of goods and/or services whether as principal or agent or in any other capacity, but who has no fixed place of business or residence in India.
    • In terms of Section 27(1) read with proviso thereto, the certificate of registration issued to a “casual taxable person” or a “non-resident taxable person” shall be valid for a period specified in the application for registration or ninety days from the effective date of registration, whichever is earlier. However, the proper officer, at the request of the said taxable person, may extend the validity of the aforesaid period of ninety days by a further period not exceeding ninety days.
    • Yes. While a normal taxable person does not have to make any advance deposit of tax to obtain registration, a casual taxable person or a non-resident taxable person shall, at the time of submission of application for registration is required, in terms of Section 27(2) read with proviso thereto, make an advance deposit of tax in an amount equivalent to the estimated tax liability of such person for the period for which the registration is sought. If registration is to be extended beyond the initial period of ninety days, an advance additional amount of tax equivalent to the estimated tax liability is to be deposited for the period for which the extension beyond ninety days is being sought.
    • Yes. In terms of Section 28, the proper officer may, on the basis of such information furnished either by the
      registrant or as ascertained by him, approve or reject amendments in the registration particulars within a period of 15 common working days from the date of receipt of application for amendment.
      It is to be noted that permission of the proper officer for making amendments will be required for only certain core fields of information, whereas for the other fields, the certificate of registration shall stand amended upon submission of application in the GST common portal.
    • Yes. Any Registration granted under this Act may be cancelled by the Proper Officer, in circumstances mentioned in Section 29 of the CGST/SGST Act. The proper officer may, either on his own motion or on an application filed, in the prescribed manner, by the registered taxable person or by his legal heirs, in case of death of such person, cancel the registration, in such manner and within such period as may be prescribed. As per the Registration Rules, an order for cancellation is to be issued within 30 days from the date of receipt of reply to SCN (in cases where the cancellation is proposed to be carried out suo moto by the proper officer) or from the date of receipt of application for cancellation (in case where the taxable person/legal heir applies for such cancellation)
    • No, however the taxpayer has the option to register such separate business verticals independently in terms of the proviso to Section 25(2) of the CGTST Act, 2017.
    • ISD stands for Input Service Distributor and has been defined under Section 2(61) of the CGST/SGST Act. It is basically an office meant to receive tax invoices towards receipt of input services and further distribute the credit to supplier units (having the same PAN) proportionately.
    • Yes, the ISD registration is for one office of the taxpayer which will be different from the normal registration.
    • Yes. Different offices of a tax payer can apply for ISD registration.
    • The transferee or the successor shall be liable to be registered with effect from such transfer or succession and he will have to obtain a fresh registration with effect from the date of such transfer or succession. (Section 22(3)).
    • No, a Job worker is a supplier of services and will be obliged to take registration only when his turnover crosses the prescribed threshold of 20/10 Lakhs.
    • Yes. But only in cases where the job worker is registered, or if not, the principal declares the place of business of the job worker as his additional place of business.
    • If any business entity mandatorily required to register under GST, however, failed to apply or intentionally ignoring the same then business is liable to pay the penalty of 100% of the tax due or INR. 10,000 whichever is higher
    • GSTIN stands for Goods and Service Tax Identification Number consists of 15 digits. This will be get generated from government end when you have successfully applied for GST registration.
      # First 2 digit denotes represent State in which business registered under GST
      # Next 10 Digits denotes PAN of business entity
      # 13th digit denotes the number of business located in the same state
      # Last two digits are randomly generated
    • Yes, you can sell both Goods and Services with one GST Registration, Provided you have listed such Goods/Services while registering under GST. Else you need to amend Registration.
    • HSN stands for Harmonized System of Nomenclature which is internationally accepted product coding system to maintain uniformity in the classification of goods. Service Accounting Codes (SAC) are adopted by the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) for identification of the services
    • No, In case of private limited company, LLP, OPC, and partnership firm you can not change the name and other details however in case of sole proprietorship firm it is possible to change the business trade name
    • Yes, Digital Signature Certificate is required if you are Private limited, Public limited, LLP or One Person Company
    • No. All process is Online unless Officer sought for some additional information to be presented.
    • The taxable person has to apply on the common portal within 30 days. He will declare in the application, the stock held on that date, amount of dues and credit reversal and particulars of payments made towards discharge of such liabilities. If satisfied, the proper officer will cancel the registration within 30 days.
    • Aggregate Turnover is the total value of :
      Taxable supplies including exports and inter-state supplies (excluding inward supplies on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis).
      2) Exempt supplies
    • No, there is no concept of a central GST registration. Every PAN holder will have one GSTIN per State.Therefore, an entity having its branches in more than one state will have to take separate state wise registrations for each of its branches in different states even if they hold a single PAN.
    • Due to deferment in notifying the applicability of TDS and TCS (e-commerce operator) provisions under GST, Registration for the same will open from 25th July 2017.
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