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Custom Duty Refund Consultants in Rayagada, Odisha

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FinTax Corporate Professionals LLP – India’s leading Customs Consultant # Call +91-7210000745 # Our Services – Dealings with Custom Department, MEIS Scheme Export Promotion refund, EPGC License, DGFT liasoning, Import clearance advisory, etc. 

Duty Drawback Refunds Consultants in Rayagada, Odisha

Type of refund claim

Refund of duty / interest - Section 27 of the Customs Act, 1962.

1. Triplicate copy of the Bill of Entry / Post parcel wrapper / shipping bill / baggage receipt / purchase invoice (as the case may be).

2. Letter from the importer / buyer / exporter (in case the applicant is an agent)

3. Duty Challan / other document as evidence of duty payment.

4. Signed working sheet for the amount of refund claimed.

5. Customs attested invoice and packing list.

6. Bill of Lading / Airway Bill.

7. Documents for establishing the applicant’s eligibility to receive the refund amount in terms of the proviso to sub-section (2) of Section 27 of the Act (for e.g. CA certificate), including documents for the purposes of section 28C and 28D of the Act. (wherever applicable).

8. Contract and Purchase Order.

9. Order-in-Original / in revision / in appeal / any other order. (wherever applicable).

10. Short delivery certificate from custodian.

11. Short shipment certificate from supplier.

12. Survey report. (wherever applicable).

13. Insurance claim settlement certificate. (wherever applicable).

14. Catalogue / technical write up / literature. (wherever applicable).

15. Bills for freight / insurance/other charges. (wherever applicable).

16. Certificate of Origin. (wherever applicable).

17. Inventory list (for e.g. in case of refund of duty on bunkers on reversion of a vessel to foreign-run).

18. Modvat / Cenvat credit certificate from Central Excise authorities (for e.g. in case of refund on account of export duty).

19. Any other document considered necessary in support of the claim

Custom Duty drawback Consultants in Rayagada, Odisha

Refund of Deposits - Section 27, Section 129(E)

1. Payment Challan in original.

2. Importer’s copy of Bill of Entry finalized by the concerned group (for e.g. in case of refund of EDD).

3. Copy of the SVB order (for e.g. in case of refund of EDD).

4. Final assessment on cancellation of P.D. Bonds (for e.g., in case of refund of security deposit in Project Imports.

5. Export obligation fulfilment certificate from the DGFT (for e.g. in case of refund of encashment of bank guarantee).

6. Bond / BG duly cancelled by the concerned group (for e.g. in case of refund of encashment of bank guarantee).

7. Copy of CESTAT / Commissioner (Appeal)’s Order (for e.g. in case of refund of pre-deposit).

8. Any other document considered necessary in support of the claim.

Refund of 4% SAD - Notification No. 102/2007- Customs dated 14.9.2007

1. Document evidencing payment of the Special Additional Duty (SAD).

2. Invoices of sale of the imported goods in respect of which refund of the said SAD is claimed.

3. Documents evidencing payment of appropriate sales tax or value added tax, as the case may be, by the importer, on sale of such imported goods.

4. Certificate from a statutory auditor / CA who certifies the final accounts in respect of correlation of VAT payment, payment of 4% SAD amount and unjust enrichment as prescribed in Board’s circular No.6/2008-Customs dated 28.4.2008 and 16/2008-Customs dated 13.10.2008.

5. Copy of the Consignment Sale Agreement. (in case of sale through consignment agents / stockists).

6. Self-declaration / Affidavit (for e.g. in case of submission of invoice in soft form in lieu of paper documents, in case of fulfillment of the doctrine of unjust enrichment to the effect that the applicant has not passed on the incidence of 4% SAD to any other person).

7. Any other document considered necessary in support of the claim


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